CERAP Laboratory
Centre d’étude et de recherche appliquée en Psychopédagogie perceptive (Center for Study and Applied Research in Perceptual Psychopedagogy)
CERAP is an independent research laboratory at Fernando Pessoa University (Porto). Initiated by Danis Bois, Professor in human and social sciences, the CERAP lab is today directed by Christian Courraud, PhD in Social sciences – Psychology specialty, DBM fasciatherapist and trainer at TMG Concept.
Accredited on 13th of March 2013 by the Rector of the FPU, it supports university and academic courses and develops research programs on Perceptual Psychoeducation at the FPU.
Perceptual Psychoeducation gives perception prominence as a mode of learning. It is based on a phenomenological praxis of the Sensible, which invites us to describe the contents of experiencing that emerge from a sense-felt bodily experience and to draw meaning from it. Training is provided in private training centres in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Brazil and Quebec.
In the field of fasciatherapy, this social and human sciences research laboratory presents qualitative and quantitative research work and its application in various areas :
- pain reduction
- sport
- therapeutic relationship
- perceptual education
- body awareness
- phenomenological perception
- embodied sense of self