Below are listed the academic work and clinical studies completed and published since 2018 with their summary and any subsequent publications or communications. Many other ones have been published since 2007 and are searchable as a french version on this website :
- The Effects of a Mind–Body Approach, Somatic Psychoeducation, on Anxiety and Self-Esteem.
- An identity transformation leads to an inner construction.
- Practitioner utilisation and perceptions of the clinical utility of Danis Bois Method (DBM) Fasciatherapy to pain management: A survey of French physiotherapists.
- Towards a sensitive relationship with nature for an education to citizenship
- Sensitive experience and connection with nature: a survey conducted among 48 young people as part of the “Le Grand Secret du Lien” project
- Practice of DBM fasciatherapy for low back pain.
- DBM fasciatherapy for low back pain.
- Impact of DBM fasciatherapy on the arterial flow in anterior and posteior tibial arteries of patients with type II diabetes.
- Impacts of fasciatherapy on the development of perceptual and relational abilities on a sample of physiotherapists.
- Fasciatherapy and just what does that mean ? The standpoint of 3 french experts (1).
- Fasciatherapy and just what does that mean ? The standpoint of 3 french experts (2).
- Fasciatherapy 2019. Study of public perception in France.
- Fascias, le nouvel organe clé de votre santé.
- From fascia to the fascial system : issues and contributions to manual therapy
- Study of the identity changes of a group of physiotherapists who practice DBM Fasciatherapy.
- Practice of DBM Fasciatherapy for Low Back Pain.
- Study of the identity changes of a group of physiotherapists who practise DBM fasciatherapy. Phenomenological and Philosophical Aspects.
- The Sensible and Identity Crisis of Healthcare Workers: The Perspective of Physiotherapists Practicing Fasciatherapy.