Impact of DBM fasciatherapy on the arterial flow in anterior and posteior tibial arteries of patients with type II diabetes.

Ropert S, Van Wallendael A, Courraud C. Poster ICEPS congress 2019 – NPI (Non-Pharmacological Interventions) within integrative, préventive, complementary and personalized medicine. March 2019, 28-30 – Montpellier (France)


Type 2 diabetes is a pathology which can involve vascular complications. The fascial system optimizes bodily functions including the vascular system. DBM Fasciatherapy’s action on the vascular tonus is likely to improve arterial functions of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Twelve type 2 diabetes patients were randomly divided into two groups (fascia therapy (n=6) and massage (n=6) and received 2 treatment sessions (S1, S2) 7 days apart.

-Echo-Doppler measurements before and after treatment (on anterior and posterior tibial arteries) enabled the evaluation of blood flow : dark window (DW), maximal velocity (MV), and diastolic strain (DE).

-A measurement of anterior and posterior tibial arterial diameter was carried out to infer the arterial flow.

-A measurement on Pourcelot’s resilience index of Flow Mediated Dilatation (FMD) was used to assess endothelial adaptability.

Results show that fasciatherapy significantly improves the quality of blood flow in comparison to massage.

-Parameters: DW (p=0.003), MV (p=0.02) et DE (p=0.02).

-A raising of the flow and diameter of tibial arteries is only observed with fasciatherapy.

-The FMD reduction is insignificant with both techniques.

DBM Fasciatherapy shows better results on vascular functions than massage. These results suggest that a manual treatment focusing on the fascial system could reduce cardiovascular hazards with type 2 diabetes patients, in partnership with other treatments.

Link to the congress’ poster: